Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween

It appears we will have perfect weather for all the ghosts and goblins tomorrow night.
And the forecast for the next 5 days looks promising also.
Take advantage of this great autumn weather and finish up last minute garden tasks.
Empty, clean and store your Container and Planters
Dig, clean and store all tender tubers; i.e. Dahlia and Cannas
Plant Peonies
Trim back all water garden plants and protect your pond from falling leaves
Place pond de-icer and aerator in water garden.
Protect shrubs from snow load.
Rake and compost leaves.
Take a break and take the kids trick or treating!
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bonfire Begonia

Many times a day customers ask what are these big orange flowers .

When I tell them a begonia variety named 'Bonfire' they never believe me. I can't for the life of me understand why they would ask and then not believe the person who planted and cared for them all summer, let alone owns and runs a garden shoppe.

I think the disbelief comes from knowing that they are a begonia, most assume that begonia can only grow in shade.

'Bonfire' not only can tolerate full day sun it thrives, but will also be happy in a more shaded garden.

We have been most fortunate that the 'Bonfire' has done so well this fall, but this week the big hanging baskets and big planters in front of the shoppe will come down and be stored for next season.

Enjoy them for the rest of this week and remember to get yours early in the season next year for I have a feeling they will go fast.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Countdown to Last Harvest

Even though we are heading into the 3rd week of October, the garden is still giving.

Floating row cover was needed 3 times in the last week, but Dan says he has the best looking pepper plants he has ever grown.

We have been lucky that along with the seasonal cool nights we have had lots of sunshine and warmth throughout the days.

The 13 inches of rain we had in 24 hours a few weeks ago also helped bring in a bummer crop of peppers.

We will roast and/or freeze as many as the freezer will hold.

Remember that as those leaves continue to fall get the Water Garden net on.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Water Gardening and Falling Leaves

In the last few days the deciduous trees have begun to colour up.
What does the Water Gardener need to keep in mind during the fall?
Primarily, autumn leaves do not belong in the pond and should not remain there to decompose during the winter.
Is there an easy solution?

Pond Netting!

Pond Nets keep autumn debris from polluting your pond. I suggest getting your pond fall clean up done in the next few days, and place a net over the entire surface.
Pond Netting should not touch the surface, but be place with a gradual slope so when the leaves blow in they fall to the edge of the pond and not on the pond itself.

You can remove the netting after all the leaves are off the trees.
This is just one simple task to complete during warm falls days, it greatly reduces your spring clean up.

Your pond fish will also benefit from netting your pond, for any decomposing matter robs your pond of oxygen in the winter.
Remember, cold doesn't kill your fish in the winter, lack of oxygen does.

Mention this posting and save 10% on your fall/winter pond products.