Friday, April 20, 2012

Aquatic Plants Are Here!

Here are the Hero's of your Water Garden! Available now at Green Wellies.
Oxygenating Plants help to achieve and maintain that very important Nitrogen Cycle!
You should have 1 bunch for every 2 sq feet of surface area.

Water Hyacinth and Water Lettuce are available for fast surface coverage.
Remember a correct mix of Aquatic Plants equals a Clean, Clear, Water Garden.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Oh, April.
How we love you!
We love you for your appropriate seasonal weather.
We love that the late blooming narcissus that budded and bloomed 2 weeks early, now have a chance for more than one day in the sun.
We love that everything has sloooowed down just a tad.

Except at Green Wellies!
Our Normal Spring Hours are:
Sunday 12n-5p (*Closed Easter Sunday April 8th)
Monday through Friday 10a-5p.

Don't be fooled by that crazy 87 degree weather we had.
Water Hyacinth and Lettuce will not yet survive in your cold pond. The water temp., not the air temp. must maintain at least 75 degrees.
We will have floaters and oxygenators in stock the week of April 22nd.

Green Water problems....use your beneficial bacteria as recommended for Spring Start Up.
It jumps starts your Nitrogen Cycle!

Hope to see you soon.